dimanche 21 novembre 2010

Events around town, and an update

Hi folks,
I received an email from the teachers' Social Justice committee, telling me about a couple of neat events going on today, and I thought I'd pass them along. Sorry for the late notice! I only received the email this morning.

St Aidan's United Church “Just Christmas” Fair Trade Fair
Date: Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 11:00 - 15:00
Address: 3703 St Aidan's St, Richmond at Cedar Hill X
This is a terrific Christmas fair with fair trade crafts from around the world.

RESULTS Canada Fundraiser
with guest speaker Katleen Félix
Sunday, November 21st , 1 ‐ 3 pm
Hotel Grand Pacific Ballroom
463 Belleville Street
Free admission
Results Canada is a national network of volunteers committed to creating the political will to end global poverty. Through education and advocacy, Results volunteers have made a difference in the lives of millions of people. Come out and be inspired by the hard work and dedication of the Victoria group, and hear from the director of Fonkoze, a microcredit organization in Haiti.

Also, this is not a social justice event, but if you happen to be near the downtown public library around 4pm today, my choir will be doing a free 30 minute caroling concert in the outside atrium! :)

For classroom news, I was so happy to have met with 28 families last week during parent-teacher interviews! Thank you for taking the time to come and speak with me.

Currently in English, the kids are working on poems using symbols; however, they will also be coming to 2 parents/guardians/aunts/uncles/grandparents with surveys about your life when you were twelve. This is for an upcoming poem called "Where I'm from," and I thank you in advance for your help with this! It's a very neat experience for the kids to learn more about your childhood, and incorporate that into a current project.

In science, we'll be delving into the cardiovascular and respiratory systems this week.

Please note that curriculum completion forms were sent home last week, and need to be returned by Monday morning. Students who have returned their forms and are not required to stay for curriculum completion will be dismissed at 1:44 on Thursday afternoon. Friday is a professional day, so there is no school.

Thank you, and I hope you're enjoying your weekend,
Mme O

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