dimanche 6 novembre 2011

Cool upcoming projects

Hi folks,
As many of you know, we have been studying prehistoric (hu)man in class. We've talked a lot about Australopithecus and Homo Habilis, and will be moving on to Homo Erectus next week. The videos we've watched on the topic are embedded on the "Homme préhistorique" page.

Next week, we'll also be starting a really neat, hands on project. We'll have 4 double blocks in the tech ed room to try to create our own replica prehistoric tools. We spent a block in the computer lab on Friday looking at pictures and info about prehistoric tools (again, links are on the "Homme préhistorique" page), and I've asked the kids to make a plan, outlining what materials they might need to complete their project.

One unfortunate thing about this project based learning opportunity is that there is no funding for materials, so I've asked the kids to see if they can find materials they might need at the beach, or in parks. For example, if they want to make a chopper, they'll need to find a hand-sized rock to shape. If they want to make something with a handle, they'll need to find a branch to use and adapt. Twine will be available, and the kids will be learning some lashing techniques to connect different elements of their replica tool. Please remind kids that any replica weapons, such as arrows, must be miniature!

Thanks for your support! If any parents are interested in helping out in the classroom, this would be a great time. Send me an email if you're interested!

On a completely different note, we will be having a very cool French presentation this Wednesday afternoon, when the Quebecois hip hop band Radio Radio comes to perform for our students! This was originally planned to be a field trip, but due to budget and "wish list" issues, the original venue pulled out. We've managed to arrange to have our gym turned into a sound stage, and will be inviting hundreds of French Immersion students from around the district to come to the show. We've also been studying some of their music in class so that it is familiar to students - just to give them an edge. It's always more fun to watch rock/hip hop concerts where you can sing along!

Now, for all of those socially responsible go-getters in the class, I just heard about this terrific opportunity to be recognized for your efforts through Free the Children:
Are you 17 or younger and making a difference in your community? Tell us how and you could be one of three winners chosen to go to the 2012 NHL All-Star Game in Ottawa! Check out www.freethechildren.com/allstar to find out more!
Finally, parents, please remember to vote in the upcoming Trustee elections. These are the folks who have all the power over our district's education system, so it's important to have your voice heard.

That's all for this Sunday night! Take care, folks, and thanks very much for all of the great communication.
Mme O

If you would like information on teachers' job action, please visit http://gvta.net/.

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