lundi 19 décembre 2011

Winter holidays!

Salut tout le monde!

It's Monday morning, so naturally, my brain woke me up early with lots of plans for what to tackle at school! Too bad there's no "vacation switch" you can flick in order to relax! Ah well. I had wanted to update the blog last week, but was ridiculously busy with rehearsals and concerts with the symphony, so I will do so now.

We had a great wrap up to our study of the prehistoric world, and I was thrilled with the quality of the students' cave art, and the level of higher order thinking going on in class. Some kids chose to hand in their paragraphs after the break, instead of handing it in on Friday and avoiding homework over the holidays - make sure you get that done! :).

Next term, we'll be delving into some ancient mysteries and civilizations, as well as looking further into how our natural world works, and potentially even creating some interesting chemical concoctions, if I can get my hands on the required materials! We'll also be doing a project on French music - make sure you're looking for a song you like (and that it has appropriate lyrics en français!!). Some helpful websites are my youtube playlist of most of the songs we've listened to in class:
as well as the following:

Remember - bonus points for those students who take the initiative to watch a film/tv show in French, and write or tell me about it in French after the holidays!

On that note, I hope that everyone has the chance to relax and enjoy some time with their families.
Bonnes vacances!
Mme O

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