jeudi 16 février 2012

Les devoirs

Salut les élèves!
If your group didn't finish recording your videos for the first 3 pages of the Pompeii story (la panique, la fumée et Pline l'ancien), you can do so on from any computer. If you can't get together with your partner, you can each make your own video/voice recording or written response. Use the same login email ( and password as with the iPads, but don't forget to specify who's writing if it's a text response! Vous pouvez également regarder les réponses de vos pairs. Ce sont fantastique! :)

J'ai changé la date limite (due date) du projet "chanson fav" à mardi, et la date limite du dessin à jeudi. I thought you might need the extra time, since we missed a work block for each of those projects today because of the FSAs.

Bon weekend!
Mme O

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