jeudi 16 décembre 2010

Almost there

Great work with your science stories, everyone! I'm really pleased with how you got back on track and worked well on these projects during class time for the last week. There are still a few people who have not turned in their stories - please get them in tomorrow first thing, if at all possible. Just like you, I'd rather not have any homework for over the holidays!!

Speaking of this, it looks like just about everyone is close to finishing their poetry projects, and I want to say how very proud I am of you in this regard. I have already gotten in several completed projects, and from what I hear, the only students who have anything big left to complete are those who have chosen to leave it for over the holidays. You've been doing such an amazing job of getting feedback and refining your work, and it's been a wonderful experience for me. Several of you have expressed that it is your favourite/hardest project ever, which is also pretty neat feedback! (Hardest because it makes you think and reflect, not because it's too tricky to complete!) Keep up the excellent work, and when we get back from holidays, we'll be sure to have a time to show off what you've accomplished.

On a completely different note, I just received this slightly embarrassing and cheesy promo video from my choir conductor, so I thought I would share it with you. If you love Dylan Thomas' story A Child's Christmas in Wales, this may be a fun concert for you to attend. Regardless, enjoy a 1 minute break from the day! :)

Mme O

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