mercredi 2 mars 2011

An update... enfin!

Hello folks!
Sorry it's been such a long time since my last message - time ran away from me with all of our school activities, and report card writing!

In English, we have just finished watching Life is Beautiful, and I encourage you to talk with your kids about the film; it is very intense subject matter. We have had some interesting class discussions about the political situation in Italy at the time leading up to WW2, how the lives of the characters were portrayed, what was realistic/unrealistic about the film, and the purpose of the fairytale quality of the film. We'll be taking these discussions further, exploring the roles of bystanders and rescuers, and looking at some primary sources of information about the Holocaust (vetted, of course, to be age appropriate). I have added a link to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum website (the section made for students) to the blog, which has some good information on it. I haven't vetted the whole site, so please be warned that there may be graphic information hidden in the site. I thought, however, that it was better to provide a reliable resource for information, than not.

In science, after the fun of playing each others' board games on optics, we have moved on to the physics of matter. There will be a test on this material either in the last few days before Spring Break, or the first few days afterwards (probably the latter). I'll put the date on the calendar once it becomes clear how much time we need to take with the material before the students are ready for a formal assessment.

We've had lots of exciting extra-curricular activities lately, and, after a much calmer week this week, the trend will be continuing next week, when we will have a science presentation on Monday afternoon, and an Art Starts presentation on Thursday afternoon. Other classes are continuing as usual until the end of Friday.

Please note that report cards go home on the 11th of March, and student-led conferences are on Wednesday the 30th and Thursday the 31st of March - the first week back from Spring Break. In order to give everyone a chance to come in, please just need to sign up for a time in your child's homeroom class; you will be welcome to circulate through all 3 classrooms at that time.

A bientôt,
Mme O

2 commentaires:

Kari Jones a dit...

where is the link to the museum? We can't find it. And... Can you tell me the name of the poem you read inclass today. Rowan says it is a good poem and he thinks I should read it.

Mme O'Connor a dit...

Hi Kari,
The link is right under the Nasa photo on the left of the page, in Liens Pertinent. It's the 4th in the list.

I will include the poem in my next post, so you can read it.