jeudi 31 mars 2011

Welcome back

Salut tout le monde,
It was great to see so many families yesterday at student led conferences, and I look forward to seeing quite a few more this evening.

It's been a bit of a shock to the system to come back full force, but the kids are doing well. Yesterday we had our presentation symposium, where students were broken into 4 groups by theme, and presented their findings for their Sciences Humaines project. I was thoroughly impressed with the presenters in my room, and heard great feedback from other teachers as well!

Today, Div 16 has their physics test, and Div 15 and 17 will have theirs tomorrow. I gave the students a list of important terms and concepts to review, and time to go over them in class, so I'm expecting great results! Next, we'll be looking briefly at hydraulic and pneumatic systems, then moving on to Earth Science, with a focus on water studies.

In English we are wrapping up our Social Justice unit with some reading (and possibly a guest speaker) on residential schools, and then again trying to focus on progress and goodness in the world by looking back to teachers who have had a positive effect on students' lives, and writing letters of appreciation. Next, we will be tackling short stories.

Coming up at school are: a cyber bullying assembly tomorrow, the Rite of Spring Band/Strings/Choir concert on April 6th, and on Friday the 8th (afternoon), the Kool FM dance that we won for our food bank donations before winter holidays.

We have also started planning the activities for the end of the year, and have organized a camping trip for all 3 FI grade 8 classes on Monday June 20 - Wednesday June 22. Please consider joining us for this trip - ideally we'd like to have around 6 parents join us, particularly fathers who can help supervise the boys' sites. More details to follow in the coming weeks!

Happy Thursday,
Mme O

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