mardi 28 juin 2011

Last day of school!

Salut les parents et les élèves,
It has been a fabulous year. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered their time to help us out this year - particularly those who joined us several times, and those who missed work to supervise field trips and camping. We love to offer this kind of enrichment to our students, but we can't do it without you. If anyone has the urge to help out just one more time, we could really use some extra supervisors tomorrow afternoon for our walk to Camosun (1-3pm). Thank you!

Students - please remember to round up the last of your library books from around your house(s), and bring them back. Also, there are several jackets still left in the classroom, which will be donated after school tomorrow. Come and get them if they belong to you!

Thanks again for a wonderful year. If you want to keep in touch, or to let me know about concerts etc this summer, please use my gmail address (, as I don't check my work email over the summer!
Take care, and remember to come back and visit us next year. The first Friday at 3pm is a good starting point... :)

All the best,
Mme O

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