mercredi 15 juin 2011

Textbook return and food for camping

Textbook return: If you find any science textbooks (or any other books belonging to Central) at your house, please send them in to the school as soon as possible. We are missing texts from 17 students (7 from Div 15, 7 from Div 16 and 3 from Div 17). These were brand new this year, and will cost $117 each if lost.

Camping: This afternoon, the kids organized what food they would like to eat/bring for the camping trip, and each has their personalized list to show you. To avoid a 9:45pm trip to Thrifties on Sunday night, you might want to ask them what they've committed to (and make any suggested changes) :). We tried to advise against having food that won't do well out of a fridge, but otherwise let them choose in their groups what they wanted to bring.

Lastly, just a reminder that our Scorpions family bbq is tomorrow afternoon (11:30-2:30) at Carnarvon Park, and you are all invited to join us - even if you can only get away from work on your lunch break! We've got hot dogs and veggie dogs a plenty. Hope to see you there!

Thanks so much for all your support this year. Grade 8 is a big transition year, and we've really appreciated having such great communication with you all.
All the best,
Mme O

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