lundi 19 décembre 2011

Winter holidays!

Salut tout le monde!

It's Monday morning, so naturally, my brain woke me up early with lots of plans for what to tackle at school! Too bad there's no "vacation switch" you can flick in order to relax! Ah well. I had wanted to update the blog last week, but was ridiculously busy with rehearsals and concerts with the symphony, so I will do so now.

We had a great wrap up to our study of the prehistoric world, and I was thrilled with the quality of the students' cave art, and the level of higher order thinking going on in class. Some kids chose to hand in their paragraphs after the break, instead of handing it in on Friday and avoiding homework over the holidays - make sure you get that done! :).

Next term, we'll be delving into some ancient mysteries and civilizations, as well as looking further into how our natural world works, and potentially even creating some interesting chemical concoctions, if I can get my hands on the required materials! We'll also be doing a project on French music - make sure you're looking for a song you like (and that it has appropriate lyrics en français!!). Some helpful websites are my youtube playlist of most of the songs we've listened to in class:
as well as the following:

Remember - bonus points for those students who take the initiative to watch a film/tv show in French, and write or tell me about it in French after the holidays!

On that note, I hope that everyone has the chance to relax and enjoy some time with their families.
Bonnes vacances!
Mme O

mercredi 30 novembre 2011

A major hint for a future science project, and reminder of what we've got going on in class!

Well, it's a busy time, isn't it? Tomorrow, students will be performing their versions of fables read in class, and I'm very excited to see them meet and exceed the criteria we set in class a couple of weeks ago, including having their lines all memorized, speaking with animation and confidence, and of course, using props/costumes in the telling of their story. Should be fun! Also tomorrow, the Vic High R&B band will be performing for our school - always a fantastic show. Friday, we'll be heading to Crystal Pool to swim in the afternoon.

Our goal for the next couple of weeks is to wrap up our studies on prehistoric humans, as well as our study of rocks and minerals. At my Action Research meeting this morning, I planned some fun activities to meet this goal, and it looks like Mme Balabuch might even get to co-teach with me for one of our mini-projects! It will require focus and hard work in class to get us to the point of being able to do the project, so please take the time to do active and energetic activities in your free time and in gym so that you can concentrate in class!

Parents - please note that Term 1 self reflections will be completed in class before winter break. These reflections will include student-driven goal setting based on how they felt first term went, as well as an in-progress grade from me, communicated via an in-class discussion with each student. This is not a report card, but merely a check-in, so students know where they stand, and can focus on areas for improvement, and continued success for term 2.

After my meeting this morning, I watched a very cool "Ted Talk" about science and dance, and I think I've come across an awesome science project idea for the second term. Below is the winning entry for the 2011 "Dance your PhD" contest, where contestants had to explain the scientific concept they're studying for their PhD in dance, with minimal text. Hilarious - and very clearly stated!

Microstructure-Property relationships in Ti2448 components produced by Selective Laser Melting: A Love Story from Joel Miller on Vimeo.

On a completely different note, I've had a couple of kids and parents ask about my upcoming concerts, so FYI: I have 2 choral concerts this weekend on Friday and Saturday nights, 2 concerts with the Victoria Symphony singing the Messiah in mid-December, and a lovely family show of "A Child's Christmas in Wales" on December 24th. If you're interested, please check out

Have a lovely evening,
Mme O

vendredi 18 novembre 2011

School trustee elections

Hi parents,
Today in class, students independently read descriptions for each of the school trustee candidates (as listed in today's Times Colonist), and determined their own criteria for who they would vote for, given the opportunity. They then engaged in a lively debate amongst themselves as to which issues they see to be most urgent, and who they believed would best represent their interest in those issues.

Municipal and school trustee elections are tomorrow, and I urge you to discuss these issues with your children, and to get out and vote.

All the best,
Mme O

If you would like information on teachers' job action, please visit

dimanche 6 novembre 2011

Cool upcoming projects

Hi folks,
As many of you know, we have been studying prehistoric (hu)man in class. We've talked a lot about Australopithecus and Homo Habilis, and will be moving on to Homo Erectus next week. The videos we've watched on the topic are embedded on the "Homme préhistorique" page.

Next week, we'll also be starting a really neat, hands on project. We'll have 4 double blocks in the tech ed room to try to create our own replica prehistoric tools. We spent a block in the computer lab on Friday looking at pictures and info about prehistoric tools (again, links are on the "Homme préhistorique" page), and I've asked the kids to make a plan, outlining what materials they might need to complete their project.

One unfortunate thing about this project based learning opportunity is that there is no funding for materials, so I've asked the kids to see if they can find materials they might need at the beach, or in parks. For example, if they want to make a chopper, they'll need to find a hand-sized rock to shape. If they want to make something with a handle, they'll need to find a branch to use and adapt. Twine will be available, and the kids will be learning some lashing techniques to connect different elements of their replica tool. Please remind kids that any replica weapons, such as arrows, must be miniature!

Thanks for your support! If any parents are interested in helping out in the classroom, this would be a great time. Send me an email if you're interested!

On a completely different note, we will be having a very cool French presentation this Wednesday afternoon, when the Quebecois hip hop band Radio Radio comes to perform for our students! This was originally planned to be a field trip, but due to budget and "wish list" issues, the original venue pulled out. We've managed to arrange to have our gym turned into a sound stage, and will be inviting hundreds of French Immersion students from around the district to come to the show. We've also been studying some of their music in class so that it is familiar to students - just to give them an edge. It's always more fun to watch rock/hip hop concerts where you can sing along!

Now, for all of those socially responsible go-getters in the class, I just heard about this terrific opportunity to be recognized for your efforts through Free the Children:
Are you 17 or younger and making a difference in your community? Tell us how and you could be one of three winners chosen to go to the 2012 NHL All-Star Game in Ottawa! Check out to find out more!
Finally, parents, please remember to vote in the upcoming Trustee elections. These are the folks who have all the power over our district's education system, so it's important to have your voice heard.

That's all for this Sunday night! Take care, folks, and thanks very much for all of the great communication.
Mme O

If you would like information on teachers' job action, please visit

vendredi 21 octobre 2011

Missing work

Happy Friday, everyone!
We've been working hard at school, organizing our French resources, having meetings, and planning lots of cool projects for the weeks to come. I hope you're also having a productive/relaxing day!

I'm missing work from several students, and I thought I would give parents a heads up here, so if you see your child's initials, please check in with them and help them get working on these assignments. They have all been told which assignments they are missing.


Thanks for your support!
Mme O

jeudi 6 octobre 2011

Busy, busy

Students: Well, folks, the work is starting to pile up, isn't it? You have lots of time in class to work on assignments, so it shouldn't be a problem to get it all done on time. Check the calendar (or your agenda!!) for exact due dates.

Next week will be a bit crazy. Here's how the schedule looks at the moment:
Monday - Thanksgiving, no school
Tuesday - Math test in the morning, field trip in the afternoon, access to wiki project on biomes restricted
Wednesday - Band kids to Camp Pringle, non band kids from Div 13 and 14 with me for fun enrichment activities
Thursday - Band kids return from Pringle at the end of the school day, non band kids from Div 13 and 14 with me
Friday - back to regular schedule
Parents: please be aware that all students have started a marks recording sheet where they keep track of the marks they receive on assignments and projects; this is stored in their agenda. This marks sheet will give you an ongoing record of how they're doing in each of the classes I teach them in, except for PE. Because it is so early in the year, there are not many marks yet, but please be assured that I will contact you directly if there are academic or social concerns regarding your child, and that you are always welcome to contact me with concerns on your end.
Thanks very much to all the parents who offered to help chaperone field trips! Please let me know if you have a preference as to which field trip(s) you accompany us on.
Bonne journée!
Mme O

vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Due dates and absences

Hi folks,
There have been so many absences lately! I hope we get past the sick season quickly, so people don't miss too much instructional time.

Students, to make sure you're not falling too far behind, ask your homework partner what you've missed. One assignment in Socials/Science/French is that each student is making a timeline containing at least 5 events from history (though most people have at least 10-15) + your date of birth, including images of the events. The good copy of this is due on Monday. Otherwise, keep plugging away at the biome project - your page must be done, and all edits will be restricted on Tuesday, Oct 11. Also, come and ask me for the next phonèmes workbook.

Reposez-vous bien!
Mme O

lundi 26 septembre 2011

Inspiring video

I just came across this inspiring video, and felt I needed to share it. It ties in with our current study of the "passé collectif," and discussions of wants versus needs.. enjoy!

Mme O

jeudi 22 septembre 2011

Classroom update

Salut tout le monde,
I am happy to have met so many of Division 13's parents already, and look forward to getting to know you further throughout the year. We'll have lots of opportunities for parent helpers on field trips, and I'll update this blog regularly to keep you in the loop of what's happening in our classroom.

In class, we've just about finished our "Carte personnelle" presentations, and I've been impressed; there have been lots of fascinating visual representations of students' lives. We're also working on projects on our classroom wiki, making webpages about the different biomes of the world. I have restricted access to the site - even for viewing it - to members of the wiki only, but if you're interested in seeing it, feel free to ask your child to give you a tour of their page! Continuing on our "Le Monde et moi" theme, we'll be looking into prehistory and archeology next.

Students - remember to finish up your "Si je pourrais" and passé composé sheets, and to continue working on your biome wiki page. For your amusement, here is a little video I recently rediscovered, which goes perfectly with what you were talking about for the "présent" section of your carte personnelle.

A bientôt!
Mme O

mardi 6 septembre 2011


Bienvenue à une nouvelle année, Div 13, puis à notre blog, aussi. :) I hope you weren't too overwhelmed with all the French today... I know it's a big shift to move back into school mode and a different language, all at the same time!

Tomorrow we're going to be doing some team building activities, getting agendas, choosing lockers, and continuing to ease back into school life. I know it's a bit late, but just in case you check the blog before I see you tomorrow, here's a reminder of what you need to bring with you: a magazine that you can cut up, glue, scissors, felts, and a book that you like, in either French or English. A pencil would also be very helpful!

On a completely different note, I just had my dress rehearsal for my concert at the Centre of the Universe on Friday evening, and I would definitely recommend you find an opportunity to tour the facility! It won't work for a field trip for our class this year, but the behind the scenes bits are just incredible, and seeing it in small groups would be really interesting. My concert is in the dome of the observatory, and while we were singing tonight, a visiting scientist that we'd been warned not to disturb came in and started opening and closing the roof, taking measurements, moving the massive telescope around, and even switched off the lights on us at one point, so we were in pitch darkness, other than our stand lights. Our concert will be like that, so it was good practice! Because I can't sing acapella harmony for you all by myself, here is a rather cheesy promo for the concert to give you an idea of the kind of music I sing.

For all those former students who haven't stopped getting email updates, don't forget about our get together on Friday after school! I hope your first day was fantastic - it was great to catch up with those students who stopped by today!

Félicitations tout le monde - you survived the first day of school. Now the fun begins! :)
À demain!
Mme O

mardi 28 juin 2011

Last day of school!

Salut les parents et les élèves,
It has been a fabulous year. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered their time to help us out this year - particularly those who joined us several times, and those who missed work to supervise field trips and camping. We love to offer this kind of enrichment to our students, but we can't do it without you. If anyone has the urge to help out just one more time, we could really use some extra supervisors tomorrow afternoon for our walk to Camosun (1-3pm). Thank you!

Students - please remember to round up the last of your library books from around your house(s), and bring them back. Also, there are several jackets still left in the classroom, which will be donated after school tomorrow. Come and get them if they belong to you!

Thanks again for a wonderful year. If you want to keep in touch, or to let me know about concerts etc this summer, please use my gmail address (, as I don't check my work email over the summer!
Take care, and remember to come back and visit us next year. The first Friday at 3pm is a good starting point... :)

All the best,
Mme O

mercredi 15 juin 2011

Textbook return and food for camping

Textbook return: If you find any science textbooks (or any other books belonging to Central) at your house, please send them in to the school as soon as possible. We are missing texts from 17 students (7 from Div 15, 7 from Div 16 and 3 from Div 17). These were brand new this year, and will cost $117 each if lost.

Camping: This afternoon, the kids organized what food they would like to eat/bring for the camping trip, and each has their personalized list to show you. To avoid a 9:45pm trip to Thrifties on Sunday night, you might want to ask them what they've committed to (and make any suggested changes) :). We tried to advise against having food that won't do well out of a fridge, but otherwise let them choose in their groups what they wanted to bring.

Lastly, just a reminder that our Scorpions family bbq is tomorrow afternoon (11:30-2:30) at Carnarvon Park, and you are all invited to join us - even if you can only get away from work on your lunch break! We've got hot dogs and veggie dogs a plenty. Hope to see you there!

Thanks so much for all your support this year. Grade 8 is a big transition year, and we've really appreciated having such great communication with you all.
All the best,
Mme O

lundi 6 juin 2011

Study tips

Salut tout le monde,
As we approach the final exams, the level of stress in the air is rising. Last year I compiled a list of study tips for my students, and I thought I would share it with you also. Mme Mazzei will be going over some of the key points, but here is the whole document for your reference.

The main points to remember are to have small, achievable goals, and to study in small chunks over a longer period of time. Don't wait until the night before your exam to cram - it's not nearly as effective. If you study, and make clear, well organized notes on your cheat sheet, you will do fine on the exam.

Bonne révision!
Mme O

jeudi 26 mai 2011

More details for the end of the year adventures

Hello folks,
Just a heads up that curriculum completion forms went home yesterday. There are many students in our three classes who are missing work. If the student does not want to stay for curriculum completion on June 3rd, the last day to hand in overdue work to Mme Mazzei is Friday, and to me is Monday. ALL LATE WORK MUST BE HANDED IN BY JUNE 6 IN ORDER TO BE COUNTED ON THE THIRD TERM REPORT CARD. After this time, we will be correcting final projects and exams, and writing report cards.

I have created a new tab for final exam revision, the English final project outline, and year end trip information. Please direct your kids to this tab, as it contains much of the information they will need to be successful as this school year comes to a close.

Please note that I have extended the deadline for the science models to Tuesday. The students have also been able to use both English and Science blocks to work on the project.

Thanks for your ongoing support! Please consider joining us for our end of the year field trips!
Mme O

vendredi 20 mai 2011

Water walk and updated calendar

Hi folks,
I have added the last of the due dates for science and English to the class calendar. In Science, the kids are creating 3-D models of small areas of land, which must contain certain water and earth features, and have an attached legend naming the element and describing how it was formed/what it is. We will present these projects on Monday May 30 and Tuesday May 31. All students have now started their models, and will work on them in class every day this coming week; however, it may be necessary to finish up at home. This is a group project, and the students picked their own groups, knowing they would share a final mark for it. For the rest of that week and the following Monday, we will be using the models in class to explore human interaction with the earth and water systems. The last two days of class will be devoted to studying and creating "cheat sheets" for the final exam the following week.

Cheat sheets: for Science, each student is permitted to make up and use one HAND WRITTEN, single-sided 8.5"x11" piece of paper with important facts and concepts written on it. These may be brought into the science exam; however, photocopies and sharing will not be permitted, even if someone has forgotten their own page on the day of the exam. I will collect these pages with the exam. Below is an outline of topics students can expect to see on the final.

In English, we are reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. The students are reading one-two chapters per class (they should have read up to Chapter 3 by Tuesday), and are doing worksheets/activities for each chapter. At the end of the book, we will do a final project. This can be done individually or in groups, and will be presented around the campfire on our camping trip. For those students who are leaving before that date, presentations can be done for me on Beach Day. Students will need to have finished reading the book in order to do this final project, and can work ahead of the class pace in order to get more time for the final project before they go.

On a social justice note, this coming Tuesday afternoon, the Scorpions will be taking part in the Central Middle School Water Walk. This walk is to raise awareness about how inaccessible water is to certain populations in the world, and is being held in conjunction with raising money to help buy a water truck for a community in Africa. (It also aligns nicely with our current unit in science!)

If you are able to join us from 1-3pm on Tuesday, we would be most appreciative. We would ideally have 4 parents - 2 would go with Div 15 (O'Connor) and 16 (Mazzei) to walk to the ocean and fill our empty milk jugs with water, then return to Carnarvon park to pass them off to Div 14 (Levesque) and 17 (Brault), who will return the water to the ocean, then return back to the school. The first group will leave Central at 1pm sharp, and return by 2:45ish. The second group will leave Central at 1:15ish, and return by 3pm. Please let us know via email if you are able to come!

Students often get overwhelmed around this time of year. They will be wrapping up all subjects, as well as preparing for final exams, so there is a lot on the go. If class time is used effectively, the work load for after school does not need to increase dramatically, though some revision ahead of time is always advised. Please be reminded of the Curriculum Completion day on June 3rd, which starts at 11:33am, and which will provide a supervised work period for students who have fallen behind in their work.

Thanks for your support,
Mme O

mercredi 11 mai 2011

Lots on the go!

Hi folks,
We have lots on the go, so I wanted to bring your attention to the calendar above. It has been brought up to date for the remainder of the school year with regards to field trips, school events and final exams, as well as for the current assignments for socials, French, English and science. You'll be getting a form further explaining our upcoming field trips in the next little while.

Please also note the new tabs outlining the short story brochures for English (due Monday) and Socials Renaissance project.

Mme O

vendredi 8 avril 2011

Heads up

Hello parents,
I just wanted to give you a heads up that we will be starting health education in Science today (all divisions). As is suggested for grade 8s, the main focus will be on healthy choices with regards to drugs/alcohol and sexual activity, as well as the risks associated with those choices, and strategies for communicating and standing by their choices. We will also very briefly cover the male and female reproductive systems.

I have placed an anonymous question box in my classroom so that I can address student queries, but please do feel free to ask them about the class discussions - though the students may not thank me for saying that!

I will be using information from the BC Health files, and the Grade 8 "Healthy Choices" manual developed by VIHA. For more information on sexual health, you can go to the following sites/centres, recommended by VIHA:
Facts of Life Line
Operates an anonymous telephone information and referral service for youth with sexual health concerns. Phone hours are limited.
Phone: 1-800-739-7367

Island Sexual Health Society
Operates sexual health clinics for residents of the Capital Region. Services include sexual health counselling, pregnancy testing, pregnancy options counselling, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, pelvic examinations, birth control, emergency contraception and referrals to community resources. Clinics are located at Camosun College, Peninsula Health Unit, West Shore Health Unit, and the main Victoria location. Appointments are made through the Victoria location.
Phone: (250) 592-3479

Victoria Youth Clinic
Provides confidential and free health services for youth aged 12-24 years. Services include assistance with medical problems, health counselling, mental health, birth control, pregnancy testing and counselling, and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.
Phone: James Bay Clinic (250) 388-7841 or Downtown Clinic (250) 383-3552

Options for Sexual Health
More information on STIs, pregnancy and testing.

Mme O

jeudi 31 mars 2011

Welcome back

Salut tout le monde,
It was great to see so many families yesterday at student led conferences, and I look forward to seeing quite a few more this evening.

It's been a bit of a shock to the system to come back full force, but the kids are doing well. Yesterday we had our presentation symposium, where students were broken into 4 groups by theme, and presented their findings for their Sciences Humaines project. I was thoroughly impressed with the presenters in my room, and heard great feedback from other teachers as well!

Today, Div 16 has their physics test, and Div 15 and 17 will have theirs tomorrow. I gave the students a list of important terms and concepts to review, and time to go over them in class, so I'm expecting great results! Next, we'll be looking briefly at hydraulic and pneumatic systems, then moving on to Earth Science, with a focus on water studies.

In English we are wrapping up our Social Justice unit with some reading (and possibly a guest speaker) on residential schools, and then again trying to focus on progress and goodness in the world by looking back to teachers who have had a positive effect on students' lives, and writing letters of appreciation. Next, we will be tackling short stories.

Coming up at school are: a cyber bullying assembly tomorrow, the Rite of Spring Band/Strings/Choir concert on April 6th, and on Friday the 8th (afternoon), the Kool FM dance that we won for our food bank donations before winter holidays.

We have also started planning the activities for the end of the year, and have organized a camping trip for all 3 FI grade 8 classes on Monday June 20 - Wednesday June 22. Please consider joining us for this trip - ideally we'd like to have around 6 parents join us, particularly fathers who can help supervise the boys' sites. More details to follow in the coming weeks!

Happy Thursday,
Mme O

mardi 8 mars 2011

Social Justice powerpoint and Science presentation

Salut tout le monde,
As your kids may have shared with you, we have been talking a lot about the Holocaust in English class lately. Because this is such an incomprehensibly evil event in history, I've decided to wrap up our talks with bringing our focus to what heroic acts people did, and what we can do as individuals to avoid being bystanders in life. I've given the kids 2 assignments in English, hopefully leading us to this end, which are described on pages 16 and 17 of the following powerpoint. The acts of kindness will be a continuing assignment, whereas the paragraph will be due the first day after Spring Break (though I am encouraging the kids to finish before the end of this week). Also included is a poem on page 6, written by a bystander-come-victim of the Holocaust, which reminds us how important it is to speak up for others, and a link to a video highlighting certain rescuers on page 15.

On a completely different note, we were lucky enough to have a really neat science presentation by staff of Science World yesterday afternoon, and they told us about a free evening for community members that they are putting on at Lansdowne Middle School this Thursday night from 6-9pm. The event is free, and will feature scientists from around the city, as well as further presentations/experiments by Science World staff. It sounds like a great event, and very family friendly.

Have a lovely week,
Mme O

mercredi 2 mars 2011

An update... enfin!

Hello folks!
Sorry it's been such a long time since my last message - time ran away from me with all of our school activities, and report card writing!

In English, we have just finished watching Life is Beautiful, and I encourage you to talk with your kids about the film; it is very intense subject matter. We have had some interesting class discussions about the political situation in Italy at the time leading up to WW2, how the lives of the characters were portrayed, what was realistic/unrealistic about the film, and the purpose of the fairytale quality of the film. We'll be taking these discussions further, exploring the roles of bystanders and rescuers, and looking at some primary sources of information about the Holocaust (vetted, of course, to be age appropriate). I have added a link to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum website (the section made for students) to the blog, which has some good information on it. I haven't vetted the whole site, so please be warned that there may be graphic information hidden in the site. I thought, however, that it was better to provide a reliable resource for information, than not.

In science, after the fun of playing each others' board games on optics, we have moved on to the physics of matter. There will be a test on this material either in the last few days before Spring Break, or the first few days afterwards (probably the latter). I'll put the date on the calendar once it becomes clear how much time we need to take with the material before the students are ready for a formal assessment.

We've had lots of exciting extra-curricular activities lately, and, after a much calmer week this week, the trend will be continuing next week, when we will have a science presentation on Monday afternoon, and an Art Starts presentation on Thursday afternoon. Other classes are continuing as usual until the end of Friday.

Please note that report cards go home on the 11th of March, and student-led conferences are on Wednesday the 30th and Thursday the 31st of March - the first week back from Spring Break. In order to give everyone a chance to come in, please just need to sign up for a time in your child's homeroom class; you will be welcome to circulate through all 3 classrooms at that time.

A bientôt,
Mme O

mercredi 9 février 2011

Provocative questions and close-ups of eye balls

Chers élèves,
Un grand merci pour votre travail et effort cette semaine! You've been amazing with all of your contributions to our social justice discussions, and our latest endeavors of story maps and coming up with provocative questions. Ms Eggart was extremely impressed with the two classes she came and worked with yesterday in our team teaching session, and M Levesque thoroughly enjoyed working with the two classes today. Your questions about the Norman Rockwell picture were insightful, and many of your top picks were very touching. Well done! We'll make sure to answer all of your questions as we explore the picture further, and read the text that is associated with it. We probably wont get to our next film (Life is Beautiful) until some time later next week, but I hope you agree that it is worth the wait.

FYI - February 21-25 is anti-bullying week at school, and I really encourage you to participate in the activities that are being planned, including pink day on Wednesday, Feb 23. With the heart and thoughtfulness you have shown throughout this film study, you could be real leaders in our school and community. I came across this related video, and thought you might enjoy it. I had friends who went to the schools featured when I was in high school.

In science, I'm having a ball teaching you about the eye - your reactions to our mini experiments (don't worry parents, there's nothing dangerous! Just testing our iris reflex and blind spots ☺) and seeing the laser eye surgery video were fantastic! I hope they helped your understanding of how the eye works. We'll be starting our final projects for optics in the next couple of days.

Special note: If you are wanting to do the science fair, please let me know by Friday, so M Duval can assign you a space for your project in the gym. The school science fair is Feb 23rd.

Parents - FYI, curriculum completion forms were sent home today about next Thursday's CC afternoon. If missing work is turned in to teachers by Monday at the absolute latest, we can let the office (and you) know that they are no longer required to stay for the afternoon. Next Friday is a professional day.

Students - Make sure you are getting in all of your late assignments! Report cards are fast approaching, and we want you to have put your best foot forward.

Mme O

lundi 24 janvier 2011

Volunteer and leadership opportunities

Salut tout le monde,
I have added information about several current youth leadership programs to the "Social Justice Opportunities" tab at the top of the page. These opportunities include joining the City of Victoria Youth Council, Toastmasters Youth Leadership, participating in Victoria’s first ever youth film contest about homelessness, joining Greater Victoria Public Library Youth Advisory Council and submitting a comic to Canada’s Good Food Hero Comic Contest.

The emergence of these opportunities is very appropriate, as we've been having some extremely interesting class discussions about societal values and the roles of youth in human interaction as part of our Social Justice film study. I hope the students have been sharing their ideas with their families; it's fascinating to hear their well thought out interpretations of why things are the way they are. We have now finished studying Billy Elliot, and are moving on to Pleasantville.

In science we are about half way through our optics unit. Later this week or early next week, the students will be starting key concepts posters for what we've covered so far in optics, and once we finish the following chapter, we'll do a fun small scale group project to wrap up the unit.

A bientôt,
Mme O

mercredi 19 janvier 2011

Yearbook, science contest, Ski trip, and a free French class for parents

Hi folks,
I apologize in advance for the choppiness of this post! I've added subtitles to try to tidy it up a bit.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to buy yearbooks, so if you want one, this is your last chance! Here's the link to the order form once again:

Science contest:
I've added a new tab at the top of the page for science contests, and have attached the link where you can find out more about the Year of Chemistry Youtube contest I mentioned in class earlier this week. Take a look! :)

Ski trip:
The info meeting for the ski trip took place yesterday, and students received permission forms. Please note that attending the ski trip is dependant on having good academic standing - including no missing assignments, and having regular attendance at school.

French Class:
Parents - if you're interested, Gabe Levesque is offering a free French class for parents of FI students. I've uploaded a simplified version of his poster here:

A la prochaine,
Mme O

lundi 17 janvier 2011

M. Barwin's new website

FYI - M. Barwin has a great new website outlining the socials/science project the kids are currently working on. You can find the updated link below, and in the "Liens pertinents" section on the left of the page.

Mme O

jeudi 13 janvier 2011

Challenge Program Application Deadline

Just a reminder that the deadline for applying to the District Challenge Program, hosted at Mt. Doug and Esquimalt is Tuesday, January 18.

Applications can be downloaded from the Esquimalt and Mt. Doug websites, or collected from either school.

Mme O

dimanche 9 janvier 2011

We survived our first week back!

Chers élèves,
Didn't that feel like a long first week back - despite only being 4 days? Next week is bound to be easier. :)

I went into school for a few hours today to do some marking, and had hoped to update the blog then; however, my classroom computer wouldn't turn on, so hopefully - if you need the following reminder - you check your email before tomorrow.
**Please remember to bring in your permission forms for our social justice film study!**
We will be starting to watch our first movie tomorrow.

Parents - because I'm still missing so many permission forms, I have a back-up G rated film that I can substitute in for the first film, if necessary. It is called "Spirit," and it's an animated film about a horse seeking freedom. I would prefer to show and discuss the films outlined on the permission form, and so I would very much appreciate you reminding your kids to bring those in, so we can have more sophisticated content to discuss.

One parent asked for some clarification of what will happen during this unit of study, and just in case you are also curious, I've copied and pasted my description here:
"In the past, I've found that this unit reaches children in a different way to traditional literature, starting with a media that they are familiar and comfortable with, but encouraging reflection and critical thinking about what is put before them.

... I will be screening the kids from some of the scenes. I'm lucky enough to have an excellent scene by scene guide for each of the movies we'll be seeing, with thought-provoking discussion questions geared towards this age group and the grade 8 curriculum. We'll be pausing the movies every 3-4 scenes for discussions that require students to reflect on what they are seeing, and break down the social justice issues presented in the scenes we just watched. At the end of each film, there will be further activities about character development and other literary terms, as well as the social justice issues that come up in our discussions."

Thanks again for your support, and all of your thoughtful comments on this next English endeavor.

In science, we have just started studying optics, and the students will be/have been introduced to the joint socials/science project we will be undertaking this month and next. Students will have the choice to complete the project as an in-class requirement, take it further and use it as the basis for a science fair project, or complete the in-class project, and do an additional science fair project. Whatever their choice, they will have class time in both science (1 class per week) and socials to work on the project. The remaining science blocks will be used to continue the science curriculum. The project focuses on socials content, but uses the scientific process - a required learning outcome for science. FYI - the Central Science Fair has been scheduled for February 23/24.

One final update: Reece in Div 15 has successfully completed the 2010 Optimist Worlds competition in Malaysia with excellent results: he finished 114th out of 231! This is higher than any Canadian has ever placed in a world competition in Opti sailing, and is an incredible result in his first international event. Congratulations, Reece!

Have a wonderful Sunday night,
Mme O