jeudi 16 février 2012

Les devoirs

Salut les élèves!
If your group didn't finish recording your videos for the first 3 pages of the Pompeii story (la panique, la fumée et Pline l'ancien), you can do so on from any computer. If you can't get together with your partner, you can each make your own video/voice recording or written response. Use the same login email ( and password as with the iPads, but don't forget to specify who's writing if it's a text response! Vous pouvez également regarder les réponses de vos pairs. Ce sont fantastique! :)

J'ai changé la date limite (due date) du projet "chanson fav" à mardi, et la date limite du dessin à jeudi. I thought you might need the extra time, since we missed a work block for each of those projects today because of the FSAs.

Bon weekend!
Mme O

mardi 14 février 2012

Blog/wiki usage, classroom update, and March break program

Hi folks,
You may have remarked that I haven't posted a message here in quite a while. This is because we've been using the blog in a different way this term, as a trial run. If you look on the "Terme 2" link, you'll see many of the films and powerpoints that we've used this term, as well as some links to photos we analysed for different activities. The reason we've been doing this is because I had the opportunity to borrow some iPads from the district, and so we've been trying out some very cool apps that encourage oral French and require creative higher order thinking. It's been extremely successful, and I have now been approved to use the school iPads in our class for a Thursday afternoon iPad program lasting roughly 8 weeks. As you may have heard, we are currently studying Pompeii from both a scientific and anthropological stance, and using the iPads has allowed us to look at, respond to, and interact with images from Pompeii in a super creative way, using apps like "Voicethreads" (using a private educational account) and "Showme" (a localized program that is not posted publicly). The kids also used iPads to facilitate taking notes on a powerpoint on volcanos, allowing them to go at their own pace, using the strategies we've been practicing in class.

We will be wrapping up our Pompeii study next week, and delving into a unit on Egypt that I am currently co-planning with Mme Balabuch. This will include the use of iPads as well as more traditional materials, and we'll undertake some comparative studies about "self" - public versus private, looking at the paintings left behind in ancient Egypt (and some that have been chipped away!), and making "facebook walls" in our classroom (literally posting information to the wall of the class, following the format of facebook). We'll also be looking at chemistry, and how Eyptians used different materials to make things like makeup. Should be an exciting unit!

As always, our French lessons will be mostly entwined with our units of study in Socials/science, and supplemented by a project or two, focusing on specific French language skills. Once our "favourite song" project is done next week, we will be starting to prepare speeches for the Concours d'art oratoire in early April. For this endeavour, students can pick any subject they are drawn to, and discuss it in detail. There will be a classroom presentation of speeches, then up to 3 participants from our class will have the opportunity to move onto the school and district competitions.

In PE, we've just finished presenting our dances (and teaching them to the class, using the impératif verb tense :)), and we'll be continuing with some salsa and waltz, while also doing some badminton.

Please note that I have also updated the calendar, and there are a few important dates coming up, including a Pro-D on Friday.

Below is an advertisement for a French Immersion spring break camp. I don't know anything about it, but am passing on the information in case it interests you.

Happy Tuesday!
Mme O